Peer-Reviewed and Conference Papers
- Haghshenas, A., Luengo, E., Bansal, Y., Mijares, G. 2021. Probabilistic Estimation of Water Flood Requirement to Control Flow Behind the Casing on Offshore Platforms. Paper SPE 202132-MS. Presented at SPE/IADC Middle East Drilling Technology Conference and Exhibition, Abu Dhabi, UAE. May 2021
- Oskarsen, R.T., Paknejad, A., Chantose, P., Emilsen, M.H., Morry, B. A Case Study Demonstrating Single Relief Well Contingency for a Prolific Gas Well in Ultra-Deepwater. Paper SPE 195961. Presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition. Calgary, Canada, September 30-October 2.
- Haghshenas, A. 2019. Well Control and Integrity Considerations for Development of Unconventional Resources. Paper SPE 194878-MS. Presented at SPE Middle East Oil and Gas Show and Conference. Bahrain. March 18–21
- Jablonowski, C., Haghshenas, A., Shumilak, E., Tyler, K. Specification of a Coupled Geological and Wellbore Fluid Dynamics Model for Uncertainty Analysis and Risk-Based Design on a Subsea Oil Project. Natural Resources Research, 26 (1): 57-65. 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s11053-016-9304-5
- Haghshenas, A., Cuthbert, A.J., and Portillo, L. 2017. Blowout Control Challenges of Pad Drilling and Production: A Case History with Lessons Learned. Paper SPE 184656-MS. Presented at SPE/IADC Drilling Conference and Exhibition. The Hague, The Netherlands. March 14–16
- Haghshenas, A., Hess, J., and Cuthbert, A.J. 2017. Stress Analysis of Tubular Failures During Hydraulic Fracturing: Cases and Lessons Learned. Paper SPE 184821-MS. Presented at SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference. The Woodlands, TX. January 24–26
- Oskarsen, R.T., Emilsen, M.H., Paknejad, A., Cargol, M., See, K.C. 2016. How to Develop a Well Specific Blowout Contingency Plan That Covers Engineering Analysis of the Deployment, Installation, and Soft Shut-In of a Subsea Capping Operation. Paper SPE 181393. Presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition. Dubai, UAE, September 26-28.
- Haghshenas, A. and Andrew John Cuthbert. 2015. Probabilistic Bullheading Analysis is a Unique Risk Assessment Tool for Drilling and Completion Equipment Selection for Critical HTHP Wells. Paper SPE 174728-MS. Presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition. Houston, TX, USA. 28-30 September
- Jablonowski, C., Shumilak, E., Tyler, K., Haghshenas, A. 2014. Probabilistic Analysis of Geological Properties to Support Equipment Selection for a Deepwater Subsea Project. Proceedings of the Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference, Honolulu, HI, USA, 22-27 June.
- Paknejad, A., Schubert, J., Amani, M. 2009. Key Parameters in Foam Drilling Operations. Paper SPE 122207-MS. Presented at the IADC/SPE Managed Pressure Drilling and Underbalanced Operations Conference and Exhibition. San Antonio, February 12–13.
- Paknejad, A., Schubert, J. Haghshenas. A. 2007. A New and Simplified Method for Determination of Conductor Surface Casing Setting Depths in Shallow Marine Sediments (SMS). Paper AADE 07-NTCE-41. Presented at The AADE National Technical Conference and Exhibition. Houston, TX. April 10-12
- Paknejad, A., Schubert, J., Amani, M. 2007. Foam Drilling Simulator. Paper SPE 105338-MS. Presented at the 2007 Middle East Oil and Gas Show and Conference. Bahrain, March 11-14.
- Paknejad, A., Schubert, J., Haghshenas, A. 2007. A New Simplified Method for Determination of Conductor/Surface Casing Setting Depths in Shallow Marine Sediments (SMS). Paper AADE-07-NTCE-41. Presented at the AADE National Technical Conference and Exhibition. Houston, TX. April 10-12.
- Paknejad, A., Schubert, J., Amani, M. 2007. A New Method to Evaluate Leak-Off Tests in Shallow Marine Sediments (SMS). Paper SPE 110953-MS. Presented at the SPE Saudi Arabia Technical Symposium. Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. May 7–8.
- Haghshenas, A. Schubert, J., Paknejad A., Rehm. B. 2007. Pressure Transient Lag Time Analysis During Aerated Mud Drilling. Paper AADE 07-NTCE-40. Presented at the National Technical Conference and exhibition. Houston, TX. April 10-12