IPIECA-IOGP 598: Relief Well Planning for Subsea Application

Relief well drilling plan should be tailored to the incident’s specification and requires involving a multidisciplinary team consisting of relief well specialists, hydraulic modelling experts, wellbore surveying experts, reservoir engineers, and P&A specialists. IOGP commissioned a report (IPIECA-IOGP 598) on the relief well planning to Three60 and WellCTRL Engineering. The report provides comprehensive guidelines on different aspects of relief well planning and operations.

ISCWSA Well Intercept e-Book

ISCWSA revising the Well Intercept e-Book, which includes an appendix on surface intervention during response to a well control incident. The chapter includes a brief description of surface intervention options and considerations for an effective and safe operation.  


IADC Drilling Manual

The International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC) has been publishing Drilling Manuals as a definitive manual for drilling operations, training, and troubleshooting. Recently, IADC formed technical groups to update the previous edition to include recent advances in the drilling industry and best practices over the past decade. WellCTRL Engineering contributed to the revision of the well control chapter of the manual, which is planned to be published in 2025.

IADC Technical Publication

IADC Technical Publication Committee (IADC TPC) was formed to publish practical books on drilling topics. The mission statement of the committee is to “Create a comprehensive, practical, and readily understandable series of peer-reviewed publications on well construction and integrity in the energy industry to educate and guide personnel at all levels.”

Well Control for Extended Reach Wells

Elsevier published a series of books on sustainable natural gas operations, one of which focuses on drilling operations, “Sustainable Natural Gas Drilling.”  Chapter four of the book discusses well control and kick tolerance in extended reach drilling. Extended-reach drilling (ERD) wellbores gas profiles related to gas kicks compared to vertical wells. Their form and behavior from a well-control perspective vary depending on the length of the lateral borehole section, the diameter of the wellbore, the magnitude of the gas kick, and the type of drilling fluid in the wellbore. Multiphase gas-kick simulation models provide a more detailed and realistic understanding of gas-kick behavior in ERD wells compared to simple single-bubble models. Case studies are provided comparing various scenarios, including multiphase simulation model results for ERD wells with water-based drilling fluid (WBDF) and nonaqueous drilling fluid (NADF) exposed to 1 m3 (small), 5 m3 (medium) and 10 m3 (large) gas-kick events.


Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering

A WellCTRL Engineering member served as associate editor and reviewer for the Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering from 2015 through 2021. During this period, he served as one of the editors for the special edition of “Smart Drilling and Completion to Optimize Gas and Gas Liquid Production.” Also, during this period, he reviewed and managed 161 submissions to the journal.



Performed the engineering analysis to verify the sustainability of the single MODU concept.

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