Below is a selection of our hands-on experience, showcasing our diverse range of technical capabilities in response to incidents worldwide.

# Project Location Type Job
1Well InterventionGulf of MexicoSnubbing & Pressure Control
2Well Blowout & FireGulf of MexicoWell Capping and Relief Wells
3BlowoutSyriaRelief Well and Dynamic Kill
4Well Blowout / BroachEastern MediterraneanWell Capping & Relief Wells
5Well BlowoutEkofisk - Norway - North SeaWell Capping
6Well Blowout and Fire / BroachOffshore EgyptWell Capping and Relief Wells
7Well Intervention / BroachSea of OkhotskSnubbing and Pressure Control
8BlowoutSouth AtlanticWell Intervention
9Blowout / FireGulf of MexicoWell Capping
10Loss of Well IntegrityAlaskaRelief Well
11Well InterventionGulf of MexicoWell Intervention / Snubbing
12Well InterventionSea of OkhotskBlowout / Well Intervention
13Well InterventionNorth SeaWell Testing
14WCD StudyGulf of MexicoStatistical Worst-Case Discharge Analysis
15Capping Stack DeploymentGulf of MexicoCapping Stack Deployment and Drill
16Well InterventionGulf of MexicoWell Intervention and P&A
17Oil Spill Drill and Contingency PlanGulf of MexicoOil Spill Contingency Plan
18Underground CrossflowGoMBullhead kill
19Contingency PlanningNorth SeaRelief Well Contingency Plan
20Relief WellNorth AdriaticRelief Well Plan
21Relief WellMexicoRelief Well Contingency Plan
22Well BlowoutCongoRelief Well Operation
23Gas BlowoutPennsylvaniaBullhead Kill
24Well Blowout / BroachIndonesiaRelief Well Operation
25Well InterventionTrinidad & TobagoWell Intervention / Bullhead
26Well InterventionCaspian SeaRelief Well Contingency Plan
27KickGoMWait and Weight method
28Well InterventionUAEWell Intervention on a Leaking Production Well
29Underground CrossflowGoMWell Kill w/ Extreme Losses
30Well InterventionMalaysiaWell Control Incident
31KickBruneiLube & Bleed
32Well InterventionVietnamWell Control Incident
33Well KillGoMBullhead Kill
34Gas BlowoutLibyaWell Kill
35Relief Well / Well InterventionGulf of MexicoRelief Well Intervention
36Bullhead KillLouisianaBullhead Kill

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